
3 Fastest Ways to Get Targeted Web Traffic

It's no wonder in today's high tech, fast paced world that I often get the question "What are the fastest ways to get targeted web traffic?".

Today, we answer that question.

Since this site is all about "free" traffic secrets, you're probably not going to like the first method, but it has to be mentioned none the less. It's pay-per-click advertising.

Quite honestly, using this method is the absolute fastest way to get targeted traffic that we know of. For example, a pay-per-click ad with Google Adwords will show up on the search pages within 15 minutes usually.

I'm not going to spend anymore time than that on method #1. There is a ton of information available on the internet you can research if you want to spend the cash.

The next two methods don't cost a dime (our favorite) and in my humble opinion, have the potential to put alot more money in your pocket. So let's move on to bigger and better methods.

Method #2 is for you to "borrow" traffic.

You borrow traffic from people who have large mailing lists or popular websites in your niche. This is done in two main ways, "Endorsed Mailings" and "Reciprocal Linking".

Endorsed mailing is simply having the person send out an email to their list telling them why they should check your site out. Reciprocal linking involves having the person putting a prominent link to your website on their high traffic web pages.

Usually, the best way to persuade someone to do this for you is buy offering to pay a commission for any sales you make from their traffic, providing a link to them on your site or agreeing to a similar mailing (if you have a list or promise to do so when your list is bigger). Offering to one or a combination of the three will usually do the trick.

The third method (and actually the best in my opinion)is turning one-time visitors into repeat visitors.

At first it may appear that this isn't a fast way to get targeted web traffic, but if you follow along, you will see that it's not only fast, it's the most profitable.

You can pull in one-time targeted web traffic quickly using informative articles and then you entice them to return often by offering free special reports, free mini-courses or free newsletters.

The process is a easy 1-2-3 format and goes like this:

1. Write a 400 – 700 word article that offers valuable information to your target audience. At the end of your article, let the reader know that they can get more free information (other articles, special reports, mini-courses, etc.) by visiting your website or blog. Submit your article(s) to article directories such as Ezine Articles or Article dashboard (there are many more, just do a search for article directories)

2. Once the reader visits your site, entice them to sign up for your newsletter, mini-course, etc. Let them know you update the site regularly with more free information and reports and they'll miss out if they don't sign up.

3. Continue adding quality free information to your site and notify your past visitors that you have done so.

This does not have to be complicated or time consuming. You can get free content to update your site by using articles from article directories or thousands of other places on the web if you don't want to do it yourself. You can also use this free content to make up your mini-courses, etc. The only thing that has to be original, is your initial article(s) that you submit to the article directories. That's it.

A big bonus to using this method to getting website targeted traffic is that you are building a bond with your visitors. The stronger the bond you have, the more likely they are to make a purchase with you.

Ultimately, fast website targeted traffic boils down to the three methods we have just covered. Since we believe that quality, targeted traffic (and lots of it!) should always be developed through a system (instead of a single technique)our suggestion would, of course, to use a combination of these methods to achieve FAST targeted traffic.

To Bigger, Faster, Stronger Traffic

Paul Kaiser

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